Awaken the Goddess in you
The pure radiant, ecstatic source energy that you are
Your own Body holds Ancient & Ancestral Earth Wisdom & Secret Sublime Codes.
She has the answers that can guide you
to your Deepest Healing
& to your Ecstatic Awakening
Are you ready to learn to listen again?
To excavate that which was buried from you, & reclaim what was always rightfully yours?

The Ancient Feminine Mystery Schools
& Temples knew
That the deep wisdom of life lives
That our bodies were the True Temples
That All the answers we seek
lay within us
In this modern day, so many of us have forgotten.
But our bodies have not.
You can Re-Awaken
The Knowledge hidden within you
And Excavate
through the layers
that cover
the Temple
of your own Soul
This work is here to guide you,
into Sacred Embodiment
To initiate you
and teach you to remember
To activate the Ecstatic Energy flow
and ancient wisdom codes
you already carry within you.
This work is for all bodies, and is beyond gender.

Sacred Embodiment - Re-connect and deepen your connection to your body, re-sensitise yourself to the myriad of sensations within your body, open to the awareness of the subtle energetic flow within you.
The Full range of Body & Massage treatments offered @ THE BODY SANCTUARY are perfectly designed to help you drop deep into the receptivity of your own body & enter a space of sacred communion and re-connection with yourself.
Somatic Excavation & Alchemy - Your Body holds Ancient & Profound Wisdom, learn to enter through the doorways of Somatic sensation into your inner worlds. Clear away the layers of historic conditioning, trauma, emotional wounding, pain, & armouring that keep you from your true potential & Alchemise it all back into your pure radiant life-force
Sacred-Somatic Bodywork and Coaching Sessions take you deeper into the inner coding of your own sacred body-wisdom. They enable you to listen, hear, unveil and compassionately understand the deeper truths within you. To release, transmute & alchemise the old pains, wounds and blockages within you back into the pure flowing life-force energy, Energy that can now be used to create the magic of the life you most desire to live.
Ecstatic Awakening - Deep within you lives the sublime rivers of ecstatic energy flow. She moves beneath all the layers of
conditioning and constriction, that have dimmed your true light, power & potential. The more you have excavated and alchemised the old, this new radiant & ecstatic potential can awaken and flow within you. Opening you to new states of consciousness, ecstatic levels of pleasure and connection, & the divine guidance of your own Soul.
Are you ready to take the journey of a lifetime? :)
NOTE TO THE MEN of Gozo !!!
ALL my work is PROFESSIONAL & Therapeutic work.
Thankyou for your respect.

We have a super special opportunity for just 7 women, who would like to journey deep into connection with their Womb and unlock the secrets of their feminine power, radiance, aliveness & Magnetism.
Awakening the Inner Temple of Your Womb
22 - 26th May 2025
Bookable Sessions

Goddess Body Treatments
Treat your body, and soul, to one of our luxurious, body honouring & expertise massage therapies or 🍃organic treatments

Sacred Somatic Bodywork Sessions
Take a Journey through the inner landscapes of your body, let yourself feel and heal: Alchemise emotions through sound, Re-balance your nervous system and help your body to release chronic tension and trapped trauma

Somatic Inner Alchemy
Journeys: Online Sessions
Ready for the deeper Excavation work?

Soul Blueprinting Passion Test
What did you truly come here to live, and do?
A fun 90 Minute Session to help you discover & uncover your own unique passionate purpose, so that you can start aligning your life with and living it - passionately! 🔥 :-)

Temple of your WOMB
Activate, Heal and Awaken your Womb
As a woman - Reclaim and live fully the sacred blood mysteries, ecstatic magic and potential of your cycles
& your powerful Sacred Feminine centre

Kundalini Goddess Energy Activations (KAE)
Kundalini Source Energy Activations
Awaken full-body ecstatic energy states
Awakening the Goddess
How would it be to awaken the energy of the Goddess within you?
This work is for both woman and men,
& anyone of any gender
Who wish to Re-connect to their Bodies in a sacred way
Discover the hidden wisdom encoded within their Bodies
Take a deep Somatic Journey of sacred excavation and healing
Awaken the ecstatic, sacred, sensual life-force within themselves
For more Bliss, Vitality, Radiance, Joy
Intuitive Inner Guidance &
A Sublime Mystical connection with life
That awaken's their true Purpose, Power, Pleasure & Potential

Currently in Gozo
A tiny island,
with the ruins of many ancient Megalithic Goddess Temples
Pre-dating even the Egyptian pyramids
But, what were these Temples?
Both my work, and my own life, are guided by listening to the intuitive wisdom
and current of life-force that moves through me.
And, mysteriously it brought me here - to Gozo.
The Temples here belong to an era in Europe where Feminine sacred wisdom was still alive
Lived and practiced.
This time was much before modern Patriarchy and the waring religions of today.
Many of which tried to eradicate and shut down Feminine wisdom.
And although they have been buried by eons of time
their memory still lives
and connects us back to the roots of what came before the great oppression.
Ancient Temple Culture
Had a deeper understanding of Spirituality, Creation & Life.
One that was intrinsic & found within us,
rather than sought outside of us - as Patriarchy has taught.
One that showed us we have the keys to our own sovereignty & power & ecstatic communion with life, and the divine.
Right inside of ourselves!
I believe the Temples were places to Reconnect
Through mystic practices and ecstatic body rituals
To the Sacred Knowledge we all contain within us
Places where we could come to Heal ourselves - Make ourselves whole
To learn Sacred Arts
To dive deep within
& connect to the Source current within us
- that interconnects us - with everything.
Are you ready to reconnect to the magic hidden within you?

" Laura is an amazingly beautiful practitioner & coach. She gives so generously in her sessions with so much care, kindness, loving presence & healing.
This is just beautiful & such unique work. Thankyou so much! "
Curious to learn more about the Ancient Sacred Feminine Temples and the Awakening of Goddess energy?
Have a read of these BLOGS
" Laura has improved my life in many areas, and at many levels. I have been able to open to parts of myself I used to reject or avoid, & feel much more comfortable in my own skin, embracing the fullest versions of myself.
She is an inspiration to me in her honest, authentic and real sharings, that allow me permission to do the same.
She makes me feel heard, held and safe whenever I share those parts of me that I feel afraid to share with others. I know she has also worked extremely hard on exploring the depths of her own soul and being, and I have witnessed the transformation she has been able to make in her own life. She is continuously learning different techniques and approaches that allow her to support others on their own deep journey of discovery, healing and expansion.
I would truly recommend her and her work, to any of the people i love, as she is an incredible Somatic Bodywork Therapist, Healer & Coach "
- Elena Rolden -

Is Somatic work for you?
Do you have chronic tension, body-pain or unusual symptoms, and wonder what it could be your body is trying to tell you?
Are you feeling stuck & trapped in patterns that continually play out in your life, & you're tired of them and need change?
Have you had lots of talk therapy but still feel you haven't fully healed & moved on from past traumas and pain?
Or, do you feel numb & shut down in important areas of your life, and a loss of vitality?
Do you have easy access to all your emotions, or are some emotions causing havoc in your life?
Do you notice you are afraid of, or avoid certain emotions ?
Do you desire to take up more space in your life, live your dreams and the potential you know is inside you - but feel blocked by fear, or shame?

Then YES, Good News this work can definitely offer you some profound tools for healing at deep levels of your nervous system and psyche.
Despite the name, this work is for All Genders.
I tried personally A LOT of different things in my attempts to heal from many of the above things. For me Somatic Work - was the key. It offered me an incredibly intelligent system of HOW TO tools, that I could learn and practice, and that most importantly - worked!
And that I could finally see change from.
The essence of this deep body-mind work is empowerment

Awakening back to you
Healing yourself IS the journey of Awakening
The Archeology of your Soul.
This work is for people who:
✨ Feel an aching, yearning to LIVE their life fully, to be seen, to shine & to really embody their FULL potential, beauty, radiance and power, that they KNOW they have inside of them!
✨ Want to feel safe to embody their bodies natural sensuality as a spiritual practice that opens them to the fullness of Life
✨ Desire to live LIFE with a passionate sense of purpose, knowing they are contributing and adding their legacy to life ?
✨ Are ready to throw off conditioning, trauma and beliefs that want to block, inhibit or limit their ( unlimited ) potential for pleasure, joy, expression, and expansion in life ?
✨ Have a secret mystic or magician inside who has always been curious about the hidden dimensions of life, who wishes to learn the sacred arts of Alchemising ANY blocks within themselves, manifest magic, work with energy secrets, & become the
Master of their own lives ?

Get ready to liberate your magic
and create the life of your dreams
Goddess Healing Massages
Somatic Healing Bodywork
Somatic Therapy
Feminine WOM:B Healing
Awakening-the-Goddess KAE Sessions
Signature Healing & Awakening Courses
Designed to re-awaken your body wisdom
& the Goddess or Shakti within.
I help people to release their deep body pain, re-balance their nervous system, alchemise their emotional pain and traumas, and update their inner programming & beliefs
So that they may find freedom & live liberated, enriched, expansive beauty in their lives.
Whether you are seeking physical, emotional or spiritual healing, or simply wishing to immerse yourself in some beautiful, blissful treatment experiences & bathe in Goddess healing energy.
Your are welcome
to come & experience the transformative, incredibly beautiful power of this work.
